Fortnite | Real Life Battle Royale!!

Battle Royale Is Entering The Real World

MILWAUKEE, WI, January 1 – Battle Company, known for innovative hardware and software design in the live-action gaming industry, is announcing the creation of the world’s first ever, real-life Battle Royale experience. Beginning in February, the same survival-based battles that have captivated tens-of-millions of gamers on console and PC will be revealed on a whole new platform. Players will clash with each other in the real-world using Battle Company’s BRX hardware and app.
"The Battle Royale genre has disrupted the gaming industry, people love it, we love it, so we’re bringing it into real world on the only platform that can do it justice...the BRX."
- Aaron Fischer, CEO

Players equipped with the BRX, CallSign app, and phone GPS can see reality augmented with loot drops, weapon pickups, and of course, a battlefield that shrinks! Imagine an experience beyond consoles where you create your own “island” and battle in your neighborhood, at the park, in the woods, or anywhere else you want to play.
Free for All style game modes have been in FPS video games for a long time, but have not been as active in real-world gaming. Why? It’s simple…many players just hide. Loot drops with better weapons, ammo, and gear as well as the shrinking map entices players to be more strategic about their actions. Players must be decisive about when to move, when to hold position, and when to engage. Free for All becomes a much more complete game mode on the BRX, and whether there are 5 players or 50, the thrill to survive creates really exciting gameplay.

"The Genius Of The Battle Royale Genre Is That It Resurrects Free For All In A Totally New Way."
- Joe McGeorge, COO

Battle Royale Live is just another example of Battle Company’s vision to see more people get outside and experience something real. Players can define map boundaries with the software, empowering them to create small battlefields for quick skirmishes or an epic battle lasting for hours, over miles of land. Players can pick-up weapons on the battlefield including rare and more powerful weapons that add excitement to the hunt!

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